Saturday, February 26, 2011

baby and the bathwater

the mantra of this studio's instruction "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" ... well I had to.1 the water wasn't water it, was nuclear waste, thats what you get when you turn think design process is a faucet. 2 thus the baby wasn't a baby no more... 3 it was a monster with sharp teeth. 4 it bit me... multiple times, each time I'd try to clean it up... monsters don't operate on logic. so yes, I had to throw the "baby" out. I had to find my baby and I did and oh what a joy. Instead of using "design from the tap,"  I went to the source. Pure clean water. The bull run watershed if you will or the Jordon river (coincidentally, I unknowingly went to my first Shabbat last night)... I got lost and my faithful classmates, or Adonai.  showed me the way. Its painfully up hill but just follow the river, follow your flow. This time around I'm going to wash my baby the way I need to. bye bye baby....

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