Monday, October 4, 2010

Assignment 1

I have decided to move forward with investigating the OMSI site and creating a research facility for the next generation of technology.
What do I want to discover?
I'd like to discover how the built environment can foster and inspire innovation. It seems to me that the stars are aligned for that OMSI site to host a facility that connects past, present and future, proximity to multiple educational institutions, public-private investment, land to water, etc. I'm really excited about the potential of the site and all the facets to explore.
Goals and objectives? My long term goal is learn about the various economic, ecological and social forces at work and develop a design that builds upon the character of the area. a pie in the sky idea is to develop fund raising material and deliver a vision/option with the people of OMSI so they can use it to garner support in the future. I'd like to start and build a relationship with OMSI through out this process and gather information and fuse my intentions and their intentions to help formulate a program and better define the site.
Timeline: Its tough to make one now, I'd like to establish a contact with OMSI in the following weeks. Until then I'd probably research laboratory setups and Tri-Met, and Metro intentions for the area. I'd like by the end of the term complete a programming packet, and site analysis document of diagrams of potentials and constraints.

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