Monday, November 22, 2010

What I hope to accomplish?

Now-December 9th
Work on Programing packet
Winter break
Edit the packet according to comments and notes. Read some more about ecology, laboratories, and museums. Sketch or collage some ideas of place/metaphors.
Considering the design process is rather cyclical and the largeness of the site itself. Working linearly is not good for me or my process. Simply "accomplish", is not the right word.
Pivotal moments
Site clarity- a campus plan that relates to existing/ future systems and links facilities to the values identified in the programming packet. Science Literacy, Sustainability/ River Ecology, and the Green Economy.
“Working” environments- investigate how a buildings and surroundings can perform generatively in terms of ecology and energy by matching compatibilities of a high functioning work environment if scientist and business people. Key users are identified as, Researchers, (PHDs, associates, and lab technicians), Administrators (education and resource coordinators and event planning), Business consultants (marketing, finances, and law).
Micro habitats- critically examine a workspace and it relationship to the whole building. Energy efficiency, lighting, comfort and functionality.
I’ll likely start at the site work into the building back to site, then back to building to micro habitats, to building to micro habitats. For this to work it has to constantly put people first but there are many different users from the general public passing through to the researcher testing and writing a report at 2 am.  By moving back and forth I hope to flush out appropriate adjacency needs and priorities without losing the spatial concepts responding to core values.
I assume if I just work hard I’ll make the deadlines for reviews, and pinups.

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