Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 1 (or should i say 12)

The one hour charrette was productive. I wish it was longer. I cam up with an idea and further constraints, However, it was was difficult to generate ideas apart from the Charrette, until this weekend. So I'd like to push it further and explore other urban scale possibilities before I narrow a specific location on the OMSI site. Once I've done that then I'll test which one is contributing to the the core values of creating a learning/ destination community, its ability to adapt to the future realities, and its connection to the Willamette and natural processes.

I also dig the schedule setup.

1 comment:

  1. Kent, glad you found the charrette helpful. You can try making your own schedule and putting a timer on when you work. Perhaps work with a partner to set some quick short-term goals.
